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2003 Basel Convention Project:collecting and analyzing related information, providing implementation assistance and working with the Expert-Committee

This project includes works as follows. (1) Collect and analyze information of the Basel Convention:The collected information includes technical and legal documents on the Basel Convention, Convention Parties’ implementation measures and related news. Besides, issues as the trends of international law and policy on hazardous waste management have also been studied. (2) Work with Expert-Committee:Four committee meetings were held in 2003. The topics discussed in the meetings emphasized on three latest international meetings on the Basel Convention: foreign policy matters, participation in the Mobile Phone Working Group (MPWG) and the improvements of education materials. In addition, two efforts of the committee should be mentioned: responding to the questions from the Secretariat of Basel Convention and analyzing illegal transport cases. (3) Analyze the impacts of Basel Convention’s legal decisions to Taiwan and propose implementation measures:This project accomplished the legal bases for submitting information to Secretariat of Basel Convention, the framework of bilateral/multilateral or regional negotiations, and, the guidance for the participation in Basel Convention in the future. (4) Amend related measures according to new regulations:Based on Taiwan#s “Management Measures for the Import, Export, Transit, Transshipment of Wastes” (January 2, 2003), this project provided “Principles in Examining Applications” and the formats of related documents. The possibility of enhancing waste inspection has also been considered in cooperation with the Custom Service. (5) Assist with education-related matters:This project completed information brochures in Chinese specially for students, English information brochures, the updated waste identification manual with a new established database, translation of Basel Convention’s technical documents into Chinese versions and holding one conference and two workshops.
Hazardous Wastes,Transboundary Movement,Basel Convention,Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG),Basel Expert Committee,case study for mercury contaminated sludge transport,the procedures in dealing with serious waste accidents,waste identification manual